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 OZschwitz pig conducted the two-millionth random breath test

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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OZschwitz pig conducted the two-millionth random breath test Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz pig conducted the two-millionth random breath test   OZschwitz pig conducted the two-millionth random breath test Icon_minitimeSun Mar 31, 2013 6:02 pm

The odds were that Nick Kaldas was not going to catch a drink-driver. The NSW Police Deputy Commissioner conducted the two-millionth random breath test on the final day of a four-month blitz called Operation Paciullo on Sunday.

OZschwitz pig conducted the two-millionth random breath test Artrbts2620x349

The odds might also have been stacked against Mr Kaldas ever having met the two-millionth tested driver, whom he greeted at an RBT station at Town Hall in George Street.

However, random driver Basilo Grotto instantly recognised the Deputy Commissioner. ''I met you at a funeral,'' he told Mr Kaldas. Happily for Mr Grotto, and for his son and daughter in the car with him, he passed the test.

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OZschwitz pig conducted the two-millionth random breath test

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