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 Top OZschwitz cop warns outlaw bikies: 'we have a gang too' and 'our gang is bigger than your gang'

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Top OZschwitz cop warns outlaw bikies: 'we have a gang too' and 'our gang is bigger than your gang' Vide
PostSubject: Top OZschwitz cop warns outlaw bikies: 'we have a gang too' and 'our gang is bigger than your gang'   Top OZschwitz cop warns outlaw bikies: 'we have a gang too' and 'our gang is bigger than your gang' Icon_minitimeSun Mar 31, 2013 6:00 pm

Police Chief Commissioner Ken Lay describes Brett Guerin as a ''hard-nosed investigator'', which is just as well because he is about to stick it into places where it will be most unwelcome.

Top OZschwitz cop warns outlaw bikies: 'we have a gang too' and 'our gang is bigger than your gang' Art729guerininvestigato

Superintendent Guerin has been moved from the Crime Department to take over the Razon liquor taskforce with one instruction - ''Take on the bikies.''

''We are going to let him loose on the nightclubs to get a far better understanding on the security side of things and links back to organised crime. You will see some fire-works down there in four to five weeks,'' Mr Lay told Fairfax Media.

For years the Razon taskforce has tried to work hand in hand with licensed premises to deal with problems such as violence, underage drinking and the serving of intoxicated customers.

But now with Mr Lay's back-to-the-future order, Razon will rigorously enforce the law rather than send licensees to the ''naughty chair'' over infractions.

The reason for the change of approach is growing evidence that outlaw motorcycle gangs are dominating key sections of the nightclub security business.

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Top OZschwitz cop warns outlaw bikies: 'we have a gang too' and 'our gang is bigger than your gang'

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