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 Thanks to irrational statists, Iraq, Afghan cost heads towards $6 trillion

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Thanks to irrational statists, Iraq, Afghan cost heads towards $6 trillion Vide
PostSubject: Thanks to irrational statists, Iraq, Afghan cost heads towards $6 trillion   Thanks to irrational statists, Iraq, Afghan cost heads towards $6 trillion Icon_minitimeSat Mar 30, 2013 10:39 pm

on ($5.8 trillion) - or $US75,000 for every household, a study from Harvard University has concluded.

Thanks to irrational statists, Iraq, Afghan cost heads towards $6 trillion Artusmarine620x349

The calculation, which includes the cost of spiralling veterans' care bills and the future interest on war loans, paints a grim picture of how America's future at home and abroad has been mortgaged to the two conflicts entered into by George W. Bush in 2001 and 2003.

''There will be no peace dividend'', is the stark conclusion from the 22-page report from the Kennedy School of Government, ''and the legacy of Iraq and Afghanistan wars will be costs that persist for decades''.

The US is preparing for a final withdrawal from Afghanistan, a decision that Barack Obama trumpeted in his State of the Union address as a sign that the US was finally moving forward after a sapping decade of war.

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Thanks to irrational statists, Iraq, Afghan cost heads towards $6 trillion

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