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 North Korea's fatso leader says his rocket forces are ready "to settle accounts with the U.S." - Go on, we dare you!

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North Korea's fatso leader says his rocket forces are ready "to settle accounts with the U.S." - Go on, we dare you! Vide
PostSubject: North Korea's fatso leader says his rocket forces are ready "to settle accounts with the U.S." - Go on, we dare you!   North Korea's fatso leader says his rocket forces are ready "to settle accounts with the U.S." - Go on, we dare you! Icon_minitimeThu Mar 28, 2013 10:05 pm

Kim Jong-un's comments in a meeting with senior generals early Friday are part of a rising tide of threats meant to highlight anger over the drills and recent U.N. sanctions over Pyongyang's nuclear test.

North Korea's fatso leader says his rocket forces are ready "to settle accounts with the U.S." - Go on, we dare you! Hikimjongunkorea765

State media says Kim signed a rocket preparation plan and ordered rockets on standby to strike the U.S. mainland, South Korea, Guam and Hawaii.

Many analysts say they've seen no evidence that Pyongyang's missiles can hit the U.S. mainland. But it has capable short- and mid-range missiles.

:Nuclear: :Nuclear: :Nuclear:
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North Korea's fatso leader says his rocket forces are ready "to settle accounts with the U.S." - Go on, we dare you!

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