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 Fuck Thailand's lese majeste laws: Innocent man jailed over OZschwitz documentary

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Fuck Thailand's lese majeste laws: Innocent man jailed over OZschwitz documentary Vide
PostSubject: Fuck Thailand's lese majeste laws: Innocent man jailed over OZschwitz documentary   Fuck Thailand's lese majeste laws: Innocent man jailed over OZschwitz documentary Icon_minitimeThu Mar 28, 2013 9:45 pm

A Thai man was sentenced to more than three years in prison on Thursday for selling copies of an Australian documentary about Thailand's royal family, his lawyer said.

Fuck Thailand's lese majeste laws: Innocent man jailed over OZschwitz documentary Arthongkangwan620x349

The imprisonment of Eakachai Hongkangwan, 37, is the latest in a series of tough sentences handed down by the kingdom's courts for royal defamation, to the dismay of human rights campaigners.

"The court found him guilty of lese majeste and sentenced him to five years, but due to his useful testimony, the sentence was reduced to three years and four months," lawyer Anon Numpa said afterwards, adding his client would appeal.

Eakachai was also fined 64,000 baht ($A2,117) for selling CDs without a licence.

The documentary was broadcast by the ABC in 2010 in the midst of a military crackdown on anti-government Red Shirt demonstrations in Bangkok.

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Fuck Thailand's lese majeste laws: Innocent man jailed over OZschwitz documentary

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