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 Savage Saudi Arabia beheads murderer then crucifies his body

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Savage Saudi Arabia beheads murderer then crucifies his body Vide
PostSubject: Savage Saudi Arabia beheads murderer then crucifies his body   Savage Saudi Arabia beheads murderer then crucifies his body Icon_minitimeThu Mar 28, 2013 2:35 am

Saudi authorities have beheaded a Yemeni man and then crucified his body after he was convicted of murdering a Pakistani national, the kingdom's interior ministry says.

"The Yemeni citizen Mohammed Rashad Khairi Hussein killed a Pakistani, Pashteh Sayed Khan, after he committed sodomy with him," a statement carried by state news agency SPA said on Wednesday.

The Yemeni was also convicted of carrying out a series of attacks and robberies.

The execution in the southern city of Jizan was followed by crucifixion, implemented by the ultra-conservative country for serious crimes.

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Savage Saudi Arabia beheads murderer then crucifies his body

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