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 Arrest of Anti-Islamist Figures Is Ordered in Egypt

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Arrest of Anti-Islamist Figures Is Ordered in Egypt Vide
PostSubject: Arrest of Anti-Islamist Figures Is Ordered in Egypt   Arrest of Anti-Islamist Figures Is Ordered in Egypt Icon_minitimeMon Mar 25, 2013 11:23 pm

The public prosecutor on Monday ordered the arrest of five anti-Islamist political activists on charges of using social media to incite violence against the Muslim Brotherhood. The order stirred accusations of a vendetta by the group’s close ally, President Mohamed Morsi.

Arrest of Anti-Islamist Figures Is Ordered in Egypt Cairoarticlelarge

Egyptians are already on guard against the possibility that their first freely elected president may seek to become a new autocrat, and some said they feared that the arrest warrants might be the first clear example that Mr. Morsi’s government was using law enforcement as a political tool to punish his critics.
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Arrest of Anti-Islamist Figures Is Ordered in Egypt

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