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 U.S. State Department, DEA and Honduran National poLICE Death Squads

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U.S. State Department, DEA and Honduran National poLICE Death Squads Vide
PostSubject: U.S. State Department, DEA and Honduran National poLICE Death Squads   U.S. State Department, DEA and Honduran National poLICE Death Squads Icon_minitimeSun Mar 24, 2013 8:01 pm

The U.S. State Department, which spends millions of taxpayer dollars a year on the Honduran National Police, has assured Congress that money only goes to specially vetted and trained units that don’t operate under the direct supervision of a police chief once accused of extrajudicial killings and “social cleansing.”

But The Associated Press has found that all police units are under the control of Director General Juan Carlos Bonilla, nicknamed the “Tiger,” who in 2002 was accused of three extrajudicial killings and links to 11 more deaths and disappearances. He was tried on one killing and acquitted. The rest of the cases were never fully investigated.

Honduran law prohibits any police unit from operating outside the command of the director general, according to a top Honduran government security official, who would only speak on condition of anonymity. He said that is true in practice as well as on paper.

Celso Alvarado, a criminal law professor and consultant to the Honduran Commission for Security and Justice Sector Reform, said the same.

“Every police officer in Honduras, regardless of their specific functions, is under the hierarchy and obedience of the director general,” he said.
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U.S. State Department, DEA and Honduran National poLICE Death Squads

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