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 OZschwitz DPP warns statist lawyers: stop bullying one another or else

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
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OZschwitz DPP warns statist lawyers: stop bullying one another or else Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz DPP warns statist lawyers: stop bullying one another or else   OZschwitz DPP warns statist lawyers: stop bullying one another or else Icon_minitimeFri Mar 22, 2013 8:07 pm

The Director of Public Prosecutions has circulated a memo to all Crown prosecutors and solicitors warning them to stop bullying one another or face disciplinary action.

OZschwitz DPP warns statist lawyers: stop bullying one another or else Art353michael20kirby300

In a profession that is bristling with egos and contemptuous of weakness, the memo is emblematic of an underlying misery permeating the ranks of lawyers.

Two lawyers from the DPP have committed suicide in the past six months.

The DPP, Lloyd Babb, advised staff that seminars on workplace bullying and harassment have been arranged for this month, following a staff survey last year that found nearly a third of respondents had been bullied.

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OZschwitz DPP warns statist lawyers: stop bullying one another or else

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