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 Fundamentally, it is the same as Hitler's Auschwitz': survivors reveal horror of North Korea prison camps

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Fundamentally, it is the same as Hitler's Auschwitz': survivors reveal horror of North Korea prison camps   Vide
PostSubject: Fundamentally, it is the same as Hitler's Auschwitz': survivors reveal horror of North Korea prison camps    Fundamentally, it is the same as Hitler's Auschwitz': survivors reveal horror of North Korea prison camps   Icon_minitimeTue Mar 19, 2013 9:29 pm

North Korea's prison camps are a closed-off world of death, torture and forced labour where babies are born slaves, according to two survivors who liken the horrors of the camps to a Holocaust in progress

Fundamentally, it is the same as Hitler's Auschwitz': survivors reveal horror of North Korea prison camps   Artshindonghyuk1620x349

"People think the Holocaust is in the past, but it is still very much a reality. It is still going on in North Korea," Shin Dong-Hyuk said through an interpreter on the sidelines of a human rights summit in Geneva.

The birth of a baby is a blessed thing in the outside world, but inside the camp, babies are born to be slaves like their parents. It's an absolute scandal

Shin himself spent his first 23 years in a prison camp in the secretive country, where he says he was tortured and subjected to forced labour before making a spectacular escape seven years ago - and giving the outside world a rare first-hand account of life inside the camps.

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Fundamentally, it is the same as Hitler's Auschwitz': survivors reveal horror of North Korea prison camps

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