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 Protecting the criminal: Over Half of Israhell's poLICE to Secure Obama Visit

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Protecting the criminal: Over Half of Israhell's poLICE to Secure Obama Visit Vide
PostSubject: Protecting the criminal: Over Half of Israhell's poLICE to Secure Obama Visit   Protecting the criminal: Over Half of Israhell's poLICE to Secure Obama Visit Icon_minitimeTue Mar 19, 2013 12:26 am

With less than a week left until U.S. President Barack Obama arrives in Israel for a visit, the Israel Police are preparing a huge force to keep him safe. About 15,000 police, comprising over half of Israel's total police force, will work 12-hour shifts starting Wednesday, when Obama lands at Ben Gurion Airport.

Protecting the criminal: Over Half of Israhell's poLICE to Secure Obama Visit 405794

Obama will be accompanied by an entourage of about 600 people.

Police will be on special alert throughout the visit.

About 3,000 police men and women will secure the Jerusalem district, aided by 50 scooters, 25 ATVs, 35 mounted police, 100 buses and hundreds of squad cars, motorcycles and other vehicles.

Four hundred people from the logistics division will be in charge of providing more than 50,000 meals for the on-duty police, and for providing sleeping quarters for 1,500 police nightly. More than 1,000 police will directly provide security for the presidential entourage at the Israeli presidential helipad, at Binyanei Hauma, at the President's Residence, at the Prime Minister's Residence, as well as Har Herzl, Yad Vashem, the Israel Museum and additional locations.
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Protecting the criminal: Over Half of Israhell's poLICE to Secure Obama Visit

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