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 LOL: NZ man hoped to crash plane into court

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LOL: NZ man hoped to crash plane into court  Vide
PostSubject: LOL: NZ man hoped to crash plane into court    LOL: NZ man hoped to crash plane into court  Icon_minitimeMon Mar 18, 2013 9:38 pm

A man who left a trail of destruction across Nelson in a six-hour rampage intended flying a stolen plane into the city's courthouse.

LOL: NZ man hoped to crash plane into court  8414619

Travis Ian Doel, 24, of Stoke, got as far as ramming a pocket knife into the ignition of a Sounds Air plane and got power to the aircraft.

It is understood Doel knew how to fly aircraft.

However, he did not know enough to fully start the Sounds Air plane and after several failed attempts to start it he had to abandon his plan.

He was arrested at Nelson Aero Club and told police he wanted to steal the plane to fly it into the Nelson Court House.

Doel told police that voices in his head had led him to carry out the damage against people who "put money before morals".

Further details about what prompted Doel to commit a string of serious crimes in Nelson over six hours in the early hours of March 8 - including setting fire to two buildings and driving into the Public Trust offices in Nelson - can now be revealed.

In the Nelson District Court yesterday Doel admitted the arson of the Tender Centre in Vanguard St, and Central Self-Storage in Stoke, intentional damage to the Public Trust building in Buxton Square, reckless damage to a rental car, two counts of burglary, and unlawfully interfering with a Sounds Air plane at Nelson Airport.
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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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LOL: NZ man hoped to crash plane into court  Vide
PostSubject: Re: LOL: NZ man hoped to crash plane into court    LOL: NZ man hoped to crash plane into court  Icon_minitimeMon Mar 18, 2013 9:42 pm

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