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 Ghost workers, strippers and dead eagles: just another day at OZschwitz customs

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Ghost workers, strippers and dead eagles: just another day at OZschwitz customs Vide
PostSubject: Ghost workers, strippers and dead eagles: just another day at OZschwitz customs   Ghost workers, strippers and dead eagles: just another day at OZschwitz customs Icon_minitimeMon Mar 18, 2013 4:17 am

In early 2010, a customs official trying to cheer himself up at work entered an external competition to find the ''worst job in Australia''. Unwisely, he attached a photo of himself in customs uniform.

Ghost workers, strippers and dead eagles: just another day at OZschwitz customs Dhcustoms20130318063946

Shortly after, previously secret customs files note that he has ''withdrawn from the competition'' - no doubt with firm encouragement from his higher-ups.

Mingled among the gravest allegations of corruption and collusion are plenty of other quirky misdeeds recorded in the internal log of complaints against officers from 2007 to 2010, released to Fairfax Media after a two-year freedom of information battle.

In South Australia, another hapless customs worker was pinged for creating ghost workers to stop his office from being downsized before an audit. He was caught ''placing computers and other items at vacant workstations in the SA office in order to make it [look] like people occupied those areas''.

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Ghost workers, strippers and dead eagles: just another day at OZschwitz customs

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