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 Ugly as well as immoral: Raising Arizona's border line

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Ugly as well as immoral: Raising Arizona's border line Vide
PostSubject: Ugly as well as immoral: Raising Arizona's border line   Ugly as well as immoral: Raising Arizona's border line Icon_minitimeSat Mar 16, 2013 8:13 pm

Flying low along the Mexican line in a Black Hawk helicopter, the United States Border Patrol officer saw surveillance towers rising above the cactus. He saw his agents' white and green trucks moving among the mesquite, scouting for illegal crossers.

Ugly as well as immoral: Raising Arizona's border line Artraisingarizonas620x3

Far overhead, a remotely guided drone beamed images of the terrain to an intelligence centre in Tucson. Pilots cruised in reconnaissance planes carrying radars and infrared cameras that could distinguish a migrant with a backpack from a wild animal from many kilometres away.

Sabri Dikman, the patrol's executive officer for this region, liked what he saw - and what he did not see. ''In some manner we have the capacity to observe every part of the border of Arizona.''

As the US Congress debates a broad overhaul of the immigration laws, including a pathway to citizenship for 11 million illegal immigrants in the country, sceptical politicians are asking if the south-west border is secure enough to withstand any new wave of illegal crossings that might be spurred by a legalisation program, or by new growth in the American economy.

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Ugly as well as immoral: Raising Arizona's border line

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