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 Corrupt OZschwitz lawyer told woman to destroy evidence

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Corrupt OZschwitz lawyer told woman to destroy evidence Vide
PostSubject: Corrupt OZschwitz lawyer told woman to destroy evidence   Corrupt OZschwitz lawyer told woman to destroy evidence Icon_minitimeSat Mar 16, 2013 8:11 pm

A former Perth lawyer who advised a woman to destroy evidence over the City of Stirling corruption scandal has been sentenced to a 12-month suspended jail sentence.

Trevor Howard Brickhill, 49, has been spared jail after admitting to instructing a woman whose husband was being investigated by the Corruption and Crime Commission to destroy a computer and documents.

The CCC investigation concerned the management of City of Stirling building contracts.

Representing a council manager related to the investigation at the time, Brickhill had advised the man's wife that her "computer's got to go", as well as directed her to destroy rate notices and bills before investigators could search their home.

The manager was sacked as a result of the CCC investigation and it is understood he took his own life the same year.

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Corrupt OZschwitz lawyer told woman to destroy evidence

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