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 US state of Maryland votes to abolish death penalty

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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US state of Maryland votes to abolish death penalty Vide
PostSubject: US state of Maryland votes to abolish death penalty   US state of Maryland votes to abolish death penalty Icon_minitimeSat Mar 16, 2013 3:03 am

The US state of Maryland is poised to abolish the death penalty after its lawmakers voted 82 to 56 in favour of the move.

US state of Maryland votes to abolish death penalty 66427636017507093

The measure now needs to be signed by Governor Martin O'Malley to become law.

Correspondents say it will be a formality as the Democratic governor has campaigned for five years to have the death penalty repealed.

Once signed into law, Maryland will become the 18th US state to abolish executions.

"Evidence shows that the death penalty is not a deterrent, it cannot be administered without racial bias and it costs three times as much as life in prison without parole," Governor O'Malley said in a statement.

"What's more, there is no way to reverse a mistake if an innocent person is put to death."
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US state of Maryland votes to abolish death penalty

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