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 OZschwitz customs officials aware of massive crime ties

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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OZschwitz customs officials aware of massive crime ties Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz customs officials aware of massive crime ties   OZschwitz customs officials aware of massive crime ties Icon_minitimeFri Mar 15, 2013 11:38 pm

Customs and Border Protection conducted 700 secret inquiries into its staff in three years, two-thirds of which led to adverse findings, raising serious questions about the integrity of the organisation charged with policing the country's borders.

The cases, unearthed by a Herald investigation, examined allegations that included the trafficking of weapons and drugs, large-scale fraud and the pilfering of sensitive Customs intelligence.

These allegations are contained in previously classified internal affairs records that underscore the enduring vulnerability of the service to infiltration by organised crime, after a recent police taskforce arrested 17 people including four allegedly corrupt Customs officers.

The files, obtained after a freedom-of-information fight that lasted two years, show senior executives have long known that Customs officials have been linked to underworld groups such as bikie gangs, African crime syndicates, the Italian Mafia and even suspected terrorists.

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