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 Great OZschwitz dissenter takes a swipe at 'closed minds' of the bench

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Great OZschwitz dissenter takes a swipe at 'closed minds' of the bench Vide
PostSubject: Great OZschwitz dissenter takes a swipe at 'closed minds' of the bench   Great OZschwitz dissenter takes a swipe at 'closed minds' of the bench Icon_minitimeFri Mar 15, 2013 11:32 pm

Retired High Court judge Dyson Heydon has fired a parting salvo at his fellow judges in an essay that categorises them as overbearing personalities and weaker spirits, with a herd mentality that poses a threat to judicial independence.

Great OZschwitz dissenter takes a swipe at 'closed minds' of the bench Art353dissenter300x0

In a thinly veiled critique of the dynamic on the High Court, the most solitary figure on the bench in recent years attacked the tendency of some judges to dominate others, in an essay subtitled ''The enemy within'', published in the Law Quarterly Review.

''Stronger judicial personalities tend to push the weaker into submission,'' Mr Heydon wrote.

''They stare out from their judgments with the superb elegance of noblemen in Renaissance portraits - utterly confident of their own ability, pretty sure that no other judge has yet grasped the key points and that some may never do so, certain that the parties have not, glorifying in their self-perceived terribilita.''

Sometimes those judges exerted their influence even before oral argument began, in the judicial conferences that were held among the seven members of the bench to discuss the issues of each case.

''In pre-hearing judicial conferences, the activities of dominant judicial personalities carry the danger of creating the appearance and the reality of prejudgment - a closure by members of the court of their minds too early, before word of oral argument has been uttered,'' Mr Heydon wrote. ''Chief Justice Griffith spoke of the process by which 'arguments were torn to shreds before they were fully admitted to the mind'. Some counsel now think that they are torn to shreds before they have fully left counsel's mouth.''

It is expected that the paper will be interpreted as referring to the ''dominant'' judicial personalities as Justices William Gummow and Kenneth Hayne.

Mr Gummow retired last year after a career in which he was well known as a persuasive force on the bench and rarely gave a dissenting judgment.

Mr Heydon emerged as a great dissenter to rival Michael Kirby and often wrote his own judgments even when agreeing with his colleagues.

It was a practice that frustrated lawyers, but might have secretly relieved his colleagues, whose draft judgments he used to pepper with grammatical corrections before he took to writing his own.

He said in his paper that writing separate judgments forced judges to examine each case closely and made their reasoning accountable to the parties and public.

It also closeted judges from irrelevant matters that arose during collective deliberation.

''The secret debate among the bench can move further and further from the parameters of the public debate between bench and bar,'' he said.

''Bright idea can be trumped by brighter idea. The meeting can be seduced by suave glittering phrases.''

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