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 OZschwitz slave pen: Statists push for unpopular laws that reduce safeguards

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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OZschwitz slave pen: Statists push for unpopular laws that reduce safeguards Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz slave pen: Statists push for unpopular laws that reduce safeguards   OZschwitz slave pen: Statists push for unpopular laws that reduce safeguards Icon_minitimeThu Mar 14, 2013 5:56 am

The state government is pushing ahead with new criminal trial laws despite the overwhelming opposition of the working group that was asked to consider them.

OZschwitz slave pen: Statists push for unpopular laws that reduce safeguards Artsapushforunpopular20

Every stakeholder in the criminal justice system including the office of the Director of Public Prosecutions recommended against the laws, either because of the greater cost burden they will impose or the reduced safeguards for accused people.

The laws make it compulsory for the defence and prosecution to outline the key aspects of their cases weeks before trial, to prevent surprises being sprung on the prosecution. If the accused raises another defence, the judge can instruct the jury to draw an unfavourable inference. They also abolish the right to silence, so that juries will be able to draw adverse conclusions if accused people choose not to participate in police interviews but later rely on evidence that they could have raised.

But the working group was not asked to consider that aspect of the law, which will apply to people aged over 18, who have been cautioned in the presence of a lawyer.

Phillip Boulten the president of the NSW Bar Association said the laws had been drafted without justification since only a tiny proportion of people exercised their right to silence or sprung a defence on the prosecution at the last moment.

''These two proposals made together are one of the most significant changes to the criminal law system in 100 years,'' Mr Boulten said.

''These compulsory defence disclosure provisions were considered by the trial efficiencies working group and … the vast majority, including the DPP, are of the view that they will not create efficiencies but will cause extra delays.''

The only participants in favour of the changes were Supreme Court justices Peter McClellan and Megan Latham.

Representatives from the District Court, the Public Defender's Office, the Legal Aid Commission, the Aboriginal Legal Service, the Commonwealth DPP, the NSW DPP, the NSW Law Society and the NSW Bar Association were either opposed or not in favour.

The Legal Aid Commission estimated the changes would cost it an extra $6 million a year.

Attorney-General Greg Smith introduced the laws into Parliament on Wednesday afternoon.

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