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 WikiLeaks: US 'to call bin Laden raid Navy Seal to testify against Bradley Manning'

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WikiLeaks: US 'to call bin Laden raid Navy Seal to testify against Bradley Manning' Vide
PostSubject: WikiLeaks: US 'to call bin Laden raid Navy Seal to testify against Bradley Manning'   WikiLeaks: US 'to call bin Laden raid Navy Seal to testify against Bradley Manning' Icon_minitimeWed Feb 27, 2013 5:42 am

The US government is believed to be preparing to put a Navy Seal on the witness stand to testify that secret files published by WikiLeaks were discovered in Osama bin Laden's compound.

WikiLeaks: US 'to call bin Laden raid Navy Seal to testify against Bradley Manning' 512pxanonymousbradleyma

Prosecutors trying Bradley Manning, the 25-year-old soldier accused of engineering the largest intelligence leak in US history, are seeking to prove that al-Qaeda directly benefitted from access to the classified files.

They claim that when bin Laden requested information about US defence policy a subordinate emailed him with data taken from the trove of documents WikiLeaks published on the internet.
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WikiLeaks: US 'to call bin Laden raid Navy Seal to testify against Bradley Manning'

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