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 Israhell accused of torturing prisoner

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Israhell accused of torturing prisoner Vide
PostSubject: Israhell accused of torturing prisoner   Israhell accused of torturing prisoner Icon_minitimeMon Feb 25, 2013 5:15 pm

The Palestinian man who died in custody in an Israeli jail on Saturday showed obvious signs of torture, a senior Palestinian government minister said, calling for an independent, international investigation into his death.

Israel's Ministry of Health said the initial autopsy results could not indicate the cause of death.

Israel's treatment of the 4500 Palestinian prisoners it holds in custody - all of whom took part in a mass hunger strike on Sunday - has prompted angry demonstrations across the West Bank over the past three days. The allegations that Arafat Jaradat, 30, had been tortured before he died looked set to guarantee the protests would spill over into a fourth day, prompting calls from Israeli politicians for the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to act to prevent any further escalation in tensions. The autopsy revealed that Mr Jaradat had broken bones in his neck, spine, ribs, arms and legs, said Issa Qaranga, the Palestinian Authority's Minister of Prisons.

The PA's chief pathologist and other representatives were at the autopsy, he said. There were no signs of heart failure, the cause of death given by Israeli authorities, Mr Qaranga said. ''He did not die of a heart attack, he died from torture conducted during interrogation and we hold Israel fully responsible,'' a senior Palestinian Authority spokesman said.

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