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 How to frame the innocent: OZschwitz poLICEman told what to write in statement

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

How to frame the innocent: OZschwitz poLICEman told what to write in statement Vide
PostSubject: How to frame the innocent: OZschwitz poLICEman told what to write in statement   How to frame the innocent: OZschwitz poLICEman told what to write in statement Icon_minitimeMon Feb 25, 2013 4:18 am

The custody manager on duty at a north coast police station on the night a young Aboriginal man was allegedly assaulted by police was later advised what to write in his formal statement about the incident by the officer investigating it, the Police Integrity Commission has heard.

How to frame the innocent: OZschwitz poLICEman told what to write in statement Art353corey20parker300x

This advice included the claim that the young Aboriginal man had assaulted a police officer.

The Police Integrity Commission is conducting an inquiry into allegations that Corey Barker, 24, was assaulted at Ballina police station on January 14, 2011, after an altercation with police, and that officers then falsely accused the young man of assaulting them.

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How to frame the innocent: OZschwitz poLICEman told what to write in statement

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