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 Hunger strikes and suicide attempts by asylum seekers on Nauru, the OZschwitz concentration camp

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Hunger strikes and suicide attempts by asylum seekers on Nauru, the OZschwitz concentration camp Vide
PostSubject: Hunger strikes and suicide attempts by asylum seekers on Nauru, the OZschwitz concentration camp   Hunger strikes and suicide attempts by asylum seekers on Nauru, the OZschwitz concentration camp Icon_minitimeMon Feb 25, 2013 4:17 am

Hunger strikes and suicide attempts by asylum seekers on Nauru won't get asylum seekers ''anywhere'', Prime Minister Julia Gillard said on Monday.

Hunger strikes and suicide attempts by asylum seekers on Nauru, the OZschwitz concentration camp Jmartleadwideboats27201

Her comments came after revelations from Fairfax that suicide attempts began after just a month of asylum seekers being sent to Nauru.

They are at odds with Immigration Minister Brendan O'Connor, who on Saturday told Fairfax, through a spokeswoman, that: ''No one wants to see incidents of this kind, which is why the Gillard government is moving people into community detention where appropriate.''

Ms Gillard on Monday took a harder line. ''Unfortunately, people sometimes take that step,'' she said in Canberra.

''It doesn't get you anywhere. The only thing that happens for people in our asylum-seeker facilities is there is a proper assessment of whether or not they are a genuine refugee.'

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Hunger strikes and suicide attempts by asylum seekers on Nauru, the OZschwitz concentration camp

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