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 Ludicrous Florida law turns foreign tourists into illegal drivers

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Ludicrous Florida law turns foreign tourists into illegal drivers Vide
PostSubject: Ludicrous Florida law turns foreign tourists into illegal drivers   Ludicrous Florida law turns foreign tourists into illegal drivers Icon_minitimeWed Feb 20, 2013 10:04 pm

State officials in Florida plan to amend a new state law that has turned thousands of unwitting foreign tourists into illegal drivers and may make it hard for them to collect insurance claims if they get in auto accidents while visiting the state.

"We will work with the legislature to amend the law this year so it does not burden international visitors to our state, who make up an important part of our tourism industry," a spokesman for Governor Rick Scottwrote in a statement on Tuesday,

The law, which went into effect largely unnoticed on January 1, requires foreign drivers to have an international driver's permit from their home country.

The intent was to make sure all drivers in Florida held a license translated into English, but many frequent visitors from Canada, England and other English-speaking countries have visited the state without realising they needed the documentation.

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Ludicrous Florida law turns foreign tourists into illegal drivers

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