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 Bastards: Hezbollah accused of fighting for Assad

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Bastards: Hezbollah accused of fighting for Assad Vide
PostSubject: Bastards: Hezbollah accused of fighting for Assad   Bastards: Hezbollah accused of fighting for Assad Icon_minitimeTue Feb 19, 2013 3:46 am

The main opposition bloc in Syria has accused Lebanon's Hezbollah movement of fighting alongside regime forces in Damascus.

Bastards: Hezbollah accused of fighting for Assad Artbomb620x349

Hezbollah fighters crossed into Homs province, in central Syria, on Saturday and attacked three villages in the Qusayr region near the Lebanese border, the rebel Syrian National Council said.

The operation resulted in ''civilian casualties and the exodus of hundreds of people'', the opposition said.

The council said Hezbollah was using heavy weapons ''under the auspices of the Syrian regime army'', and that Beirut was responsible for ending this ''aggression''.

In Lebanon, a Hezbollah official said three Lebanese Shiites were killed in clashes in Syria while acting in ''self-defence'', without specifying if they were Hezbollah members.

Lebanon's Hezbollah is Shiite, while most of Syria's population and the rebels battling Bashar al-Assad's regime are Sunni. The ruling clan and many of its most fervent supporters belong to the minority Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shiite Islam.

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Bastards: Hezbollah accused of fighting for Assad

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