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 Afghanistan slave pen: ''UN report showed that even after 10 years, our people are tortured and mistreated in prisons''

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Afghanistan slave pen: ''UN report showed that even after 10 years, our people are tortured and mistreated in prisons'' Vide
PostSubject: Afghanistan slave pen: ''UN report showed that even after 10 years, our people are tortured and mistreated in prisons''   Afghanistan slave pen: ''UN report showed that even after 10 years, our people are tortured and mistreated in prisons'' Icon_minitimeSun Feb 17, 2013 5:13 pm

The Afghan President, Hamid Karzai, has said he will issue a decree forbidding his military forces from asking coalition forces to conduct air strikes and condemned the use of torture by his security forces.

Afghanistan slave pen: ''UN report showed that even after 10 years, our people are tortured and mistreated in prisons'' Artafghan20army620x349

In a speech at the new Afghan National Military Academy in Kabul, Mr Karzai also urged US-led forces to withdraw quickly.

''We are the owners of this soil; Americans aren't,'' Mr Karzai said. ''Fortunately, they are leaving soon.

''To defend our soil, we don't need foreign troops,'' he said to applause from the audience. ''My soil will be defended by these young officers.''

His proposed ban on Afghan troops' calling in air strikes came after a joint Afghan-NATO attack last week in Kunar province, in eastern Afghanistan, that local officials said killed 10 civilians - four women, one man and five children.

Mr Karzai said the commander of coalition forces, US General Joseph Dunford, told him the air strike had been requested by the the Afghan intelligence service, the National Directorate of Security.

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Afghanistan slave pen: ''UN report showed that even after 10 years, our people are tortured and mistreated in prisons''

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