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 OZschwitz gulag: Customs staff told to dob in mates who smoke pot

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

OZschwitz gulag: Customs staff told to dob in mates who smoke pot Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz gulag: Customs staff told to dob in mates who smoke pot   OZschwitz gulag: Customs staff told to dob in mates who smoke pot Icon_minitimeThu Feb 14, 2013 7:50 pm

CUSTOMS wants its staff to dob in colleagues who are seen smoking marijuana at parties outside work, leaked internal documents reveal.

OZschwitz gulag: Customs staff told to dob in mates who smoke pot Widemarijuana620x349

Customs and Border Protection workers have been told that under the new ''mandatory reporting'' regime, they will be expected to report on their colleagues' behaviour inside and outside of work.

Under a section titled ''If it doesn't seem quite right'' one directive reads: ''While you are off duty and at a party you observe a fellow Customs and Border Protection officer smoking marijuana. Report it''.

Another tells staff: ''While walking past a colleague's computer you notice the colleague looking up the details of an ex-partner on the system. Report it''.

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OZschwitz gulag: Customs staff told to dob in mates who smoke pot

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