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 poLICE burned fugitive Christopher Dorner alive

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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poLICE burned fugitive Christopher Dorner alive Vide
PostSubject: poLICE burned fugitive Christopher Dorner alive   poLICE burned fugitive Christopher Dorner alive Icon_minitimeThu Feb 14, 2013 7:49 pm

US police are under scrutiny after officers were recorded apparently discussing a plan to burn down the cabin where America's most wanted man made his last stand.

poLICE burned fugitive Christopher Dorner alive Dhcops20130213095534782

Christopher Dorner, a former Los Angeles Police Department officer who threatened to wage ''war'' against former colleagues, died on Tuesday night after a firefight in snowy woodland in California.

He and SWAT teams exchanged an estimated 500 rounds. One police officer was killed and another injured.

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poLICE burned fugitive Christopher Dorner alive

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