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 I will avenge my children's blood, says Syrian female sniper

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RR Phantom

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I will avenge my children's blood, says Syrian female sniper Vide
PostSubject: I will avenge my children's blood, says Syrian female sniper   I will avenge my children's blood, says Syrian female sniper Icon_minitimeFri Feb 08, 2013 9:55 pm

ALEPPO, Syria: Her fame has spread throughout Aleppo. Her comrades have nicknamed her ''Guevara'', but to many of the city's residents she is known simply as ''the female sniper''.

I will avenge my children's blood, says Syrian female sniper Sniper20130208163206726

Standing stock still, her finger suspended over the trigger, she stares through the sight of her Dragunov rifle. Her view framed by the jagged concrete edges of the fist-sized hole cut into the wall of her hideout on one of the most dangerous front lines in Aleppo, Guevara, named after the Marxist revolutionary, watches the enemy - government soldiers - moving along the other side of the street.

My boy used to be frightened of the bombs ... Now, I will not forget my children's blood and I promise to take revenge.

''I like fighting,'' she says. ''When I see that one of my friends in my katiba [rebel brigade] has been killed, I feel that I have to hold a weapon and take my revenge.''

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Entropy Ann

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I will avenge my children's blood, says Syrian female sniper Vide
PostSubject: Re: I will avenge my children's blood, says Syrian female sniper   I will avenge my children's blood, says Syrian female sniper Icon_minitimeFri Feb 08, 2013 11:11 pm

A fascinating story. I have been curious about the individual motivations of those that have fallen in with the rebel side in Syria. It's well understood by anyone paying attention to the alternative media outlets that the rebels are hardly earnest, liberty minded revolutionaries and are being cynically manipulated by the western powers for the sake of destabilizing the current geopolitical composition of the middle-east before the American Empire is no longer able to do so and stand to benefit from it. It's always nice to see the story from the eyes of individuals rather than the aggregate, however.

I'm reminded of the ethics of Aristotle, in which he maintains that general justice can only exist in a perfect world. We do not live in a perfect world, so only particular justice can be realized. It's sobering to consider that many share the mindset of "Guevara" as far as what they would have their particular justice be.
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I will avenge my children's blood, says Syrian female sniper Vide
PostSubject: Re: I will avenge my children's blood, says Syrian female sniper   I will avenge my children's blood, says Syrian female sniper Icon_minitimeFri Feb 08, 2013 11:22 pm

An issue of choosing the lesser evil...
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I will avenge my children's blood, says Syrian female sniper Vide
PostSubject: Re: I will avenge my children's blood, says Syrian female sniper   I will avenge my children's blood, says Syrian female sniper Icon_minitime

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