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 The Injustice Department’s chilling ‘targeted killings’ memo

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The Injustice Department’s chilling ‘targeted killings’ memo Vide
PostSubject: The Injustice Department’s chilling ‘targeted killings’ memo   The Injustice Department’s chilling ‘targeted killings’ memo Icon_minitimeTue Feb 05, 2013 5:59 pm

On Monday night, NBC News’s Michael Isikoff published a Justice Department memo justifying the “targeted killings” — without due process — of U.S. citizens who are leaders in al-Qaeda or “associated forces” but are “outside the area of hostile activities,” such as Afghanistan. The document is based on a still-classified memo on targeted killings of U.S. citizens prepared by the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel.

The Injustice Department’s chilling ‘targeted killings’ memo 159075731image300x203

The summary memo is a chilling document, full of twisted definitions, gaping loopholes and hints that the White House still isn’t sharing its full justification for killing citizens without due process. Given the extraordinary power the executive branch is claiming, legislators in both parties must ask tough questions of Obama and his national security team, including threatening to hold up key appointments, if necessary.

At its heart, the memo contends that killing a U.S. citizen who is a “senior operational leader in al-Qaeda or an associated force” is lawful under three conditions:

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The Injustice Department’s chilling ‘targeted killings’ memo

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