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 OZschwitz gulag: Coalition blockade against law, UN says

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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OZschwitz gulag: Coalition blockade against law, UN says Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz gulag: Coalition blockade against law, UN says   OZschwitz gulag: Coalition blockade against law, UN says Icon_minitimeTue Feb 05, 2013 3:00 am

THE United Nations and international law experts say a Coalition plan to block every Sri Lankan asylum seeker boat from reaching Australian waters, without first testing their passengers' refugee claims, may breach international laws.

OZschwitz gulag: Coalition blockade against law, UN says Acmorrisonmain201302041

In a further sign of the tough policies the Coalition will take to the election, shadow immigration spokesman Scott Morrison said the Australian Navy would be used to prevent with force asylum seeker boats from reaching Australian territorial waters, where they could engage Australia's international refugee protection commitments.

Australia has to be sure it isn't sending asylum seekers back to countries where they will be persecuted.

Australia would also bolster the resources of Sri Lanka's navy to help it stop asylum boats leaving its shores. Mr Morrison claimed forcible returns in international waters would not put Australia in breach of its international laws, because the Refugee Convention did not have extra-territorial powers.

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OZschwitz gulag: Coalition blockade against law, UN says

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