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 Barbaric statist: NYPD detective forces murder confession, but state Supreme Court sets aside Joseph Barbato's conviction and puts an end to police use of third-degree beatings

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Barbaric statist: NYPD detective forces murder confession, but state Supreme Court sets aside Joseph Barbato's conviction and puts an end to police use of third-degree beatings   Vide
PostSubject: Barbaric statist: NYPD detective forces murder confession, but state Supreme Court sets aside Joseph Barbato's conviction and puts an end to police use of third-degree beatings    Barbaric statist: NYPD detective forces murder confession, but state Supreme Court sets aside Joseph Barbato's conviction and puts an end to police use of third-degree beatings   Icon_minitimeSun Feb 03, 2013 7:52 pm

Sgt. John Cordes extracts confession from Barbato in the murder of Julia Musso. But with no evidence, Barbato was set free and Musso's 1929 murder never solved

Barbaric statist: NYPD detective forces murder confession, but state Supreme Court sets aside Joseph Barbato's conviction and puts an end to police use of third-degree beatings   Justice3n2web

Four words scribbled on a notecard after hours of rugged police persuasion earned Joseph Barbato a bunk in the Sing Sing death house.

“I kill Julia Musso.”

The “kill” occurred in the wee hours of Sept. 15, 1929, in a tenement on Cambreleng Ave. in the Belmont section of the Bronx.
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Barbaric statist: NYPD detective forces murder confession, but state Supreme Court sets aside Joseph Barbato's conviction and puts an end to police use of third-degree beatings

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