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 Google unveils detailed North Korea map, with gulags

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Google unveils detailed North Korea map, with gulags  Vide
PostSubject: Google unveils detailed North Korea map, with gulags    Google unveils detailed North Korea map, with gulags  Icon_minitimeTue Jan 29, 2013 11:33 pm

Weeks after its chairman Eric Schmidt's secretive visit to North Korea, Google has released a detailed map of the isolated state that even labels some of its remote and infamous gulags.

Google unveils detailed North Korea map, with gulags  Artnkorea1620x349

Until now North Korea was pretty much a blank canvas to users of Google's "Map Maker", which creates maps from data that is provided by the public and fact-checked in a similar process to that used by Wikipedia.

"For a long time, one of the largest places with limited map data has been North Korea. But today we are changing that," Jayanth Mysore, a senior product manager at Google Map Maker, said in a blog post.

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Google unveils detailed North Korea map, with gulags

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