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 Ain't statism grand: Aleppo massacre: 68 bodies found near river

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Ain't statism grand: Aleppo massacre: 68 bodies found near river Vide
PostSubject: Ain't statism grand: Aleppo massacre: 68 bodies found near river   Ain't statism grand: Aleppo massacre: 68 bodies found near river Icon_minitimeWed Jan 30, 2013 12:20 am

The bodies lie on the muddy concrete bordering a small canal in Aleppo, many with their hands tied behind their back, each with a bullet to the head, their blood spilling into the stagnant water below.

Ain't statism grand: Aleppo massacre: 68 bodies found near river 1729bodies620x349

At least 68 young men and boys were killed in what Syrian activists are describing as a massacre in the war-torn northern city of Aleppo.

Video of the horrific discovery – which is understood to have been revealed as flood waters receded along the Quiq River – was posted on YouTube, and comes as UN special envoy to Syria Lakhdar Brahimi was scheduled to address the United Nations Security Council in New York on the Syrian crisis.

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Ain't statism grand: Aleppo massacre: 68 bodies found near river

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