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 NYPD testing device to secretly scan New Yorkers for guns

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NYPD testing device to secretly scan New Yorkers for guns Vide
PostSubject: NYPD testing device to secretly scan New Yorkers for guns   NYPD testing device to secretly scan New Yorkers for guns Icon_minitimeSun Jan 27, 2013 4:04 am

Get ready for scan-and-frisk.

NYPD testing device to secretly scan New Yorkers for guns Article2267217171e142d0

The NYPD will soon deploy new technology allowing police to detect guns carried by criminals without using the typical pat-down procedure, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said Wednesday.

The department just received a machine that reads terahertz — the natural energy emitted by people and inanimate objects — and allows police to view concealed weapons from a distance.

“If something is obstructing the flow of that radiation, for example a weapon, the device will highlight that object,” Kelly said.
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