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 Nailed: OZschwitz lawyer accused of raping four men

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Nailed: OZschwitz lawyer accused of raping four men Vide
PostSubject: Nailed: OZschwitz lawyer accused of raping four men   Nailed: OZschwitz lawyer accused of raping four men Icon_minitimeWed Dec 05, 2012 1:43 am

A high-profile refugee lawyer will face a Sydney court next month, accused of raping four men more than a decade ago.

David Bitel has been charged with four counts of sexual intercourse without consent and three counts of indecent assault.

Police say the offences were committed at an office on Pitt Street in Sydney's CBD between 1995 and 2004.

The 60-year-old is on strict conditional bail and will face court next month.

Bitel is the managing partner at the firm Parish Patience Immigration Lawyers.

On the firm's website, Bitel is described as a "leader in his field".

The list of achievements is long - president of the Refugee Council of Australia from 2002 to 2005, chairman of the Australian Refugee Foundation, and 2002 winner of the Paul Cullen Humanitarian Award.

Bitel also served as the treasurer for the International Commission of Jurists.
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