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 Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter Slam War On Drugs In New Documentary

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Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter Slam War On Drugs In New Documentary Vide
PostSubject: Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter Slam War On Drugs In New Documentary   Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter Slam War On Drugs In New Documentary Icon_minitimeTue Dec 04, 2012 6:37 pm

A new documentary takes viewers through 40 years of what it calls a failed drug war, featuring the voices of two former presidents who say America's drug policies are all wrong.

Breaking the Taboo, which debuts Friday and whose trailer already has 200,000 views on YouTube, is narrated by actor Morgan Freeman, who lauds people like former president Bill Clinton who "have had the guts to change their minds." During the Clinton administration, drug budgets, marijuana arrests and the numbers of those sent to prison on drug charges all spiked.

"If all you do is try to find a police or military solution to the problem, a lot of people die and it doesn't solve the problem," former President Bill Clinton says in the film. "It hasn't worked."

In another section of the film, images of President Barack Obama are shown as politicians are accused of being "afraid" of appearing "soft on drugs."

Obama, who promised a compassionate drug policy when first running for president, requested $25.6 billion for drug control in 2013—the highest yearly total ever. Critics say that too much of that money has gone towards enforcement, but the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy says much of those funds are intended to go toward prevention and treatment.
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Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter Slam War On Drugs In New Documentary

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