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 Lowlife OZschwitz scientists and greenies in bid to keep green tape

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Lowlife OZschwitz scientists and greenies in bid to keep green tape Vide
PostSubject: Lowlife OZschwitz scientists and greenies in bid to keep green tape   Lowlife OZschwitz scientists and greenies in bid to keep green tape Icon_minitimeMon Dec 03, 2012 6:22 pm

Federal environmental powers that saved the Franklin River and the Great Barrier Reef need not be abandoned in a quest for faster development approvals, the respected Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists says, in a last ditch appeal to the Gillard government to rethink a deal with the states.

Lowlife OZschwitz scientists and greenies in bid to keep green tape Artflannery620x349

At the urging of the Business Council of Australia, the Prime Minister and premiers are due to sign the first stage of the controversial agreement at the Council of Australian Governments on Friday.

It will see the Commonwealth hand over environmental assessment and approval to state governments under specific ''standards'' in a bid to remove ''green tape''.

The federal minister, Tony Burke, will have the power to terminate the agreement if a state isn't sticking to the deal, but will not be able to override state decision-making on a particular project even as a last resort.

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Lowlife OZschwitz scientists and greenies in bid to keep green tape

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