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 The statists built it: Japan Sasago tunnel collapse kills nine

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The statists built it: Japan Sasago tunnel collapse kills nine Vide
PostSubject: The statists built it: Japan Sasago tunnel collapse kills nine   The statists built it: Japan Sasago tunnel collapse kills nine Icon_minitimeSun Dec 02, 2012 9:00 pm

At least nine people are now known to have died after a major tunnel collapsed in Japan, officials say.

The statists built it: Japan Sasago tunnel collapse kills nine 6451024964510248

The bodies were found in three vehicles that were crushed by fallen concrete panels in the Sasago tunnel, about 80km (50 miles) west of the capital Tokyo.

A fire broke out after the tunnel caved in on Sunday, and a number of survivors fled to safety on foot.

There are fears that the death toll may rise further. Police are investigating potential negligence, reports say.

There will be serious questions about how a major tunnel on one of Japan's most important traffic arteries could have failed so catastrophically, the BBC's Rupert Wingfield Hayes in Tokyo reports.
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The statists built it: Japan Sasago tunnel collapse kills nine

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