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 The good: Suicide bombers hit U.S.-Afghan air base, whacking 5

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The good: Suicide bombers hit U.S.-Afghan air base, whacking 5 Vide
PostSubject: The good: Suicide bombers hit U.S.-Afghan air base, whacking 5   The good: Suicide bombers hit U.S.-Afghan air base, whacking 5 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 02, 2012 9:41 pm

A squad of nine suicide bombers attacked a major U.S.-Afghan air base in the eastern city of Jalalabad just after dawn Sunday, detonating explosives at the front gate and sparking a lengthy firefight with Afghan and NATO forces inside.

The good: Suicide bombers hit U.S.-Afghan air base, whacking 5 Afghanistan06d866494

Officials said all nine attackers died in the assault, which killed three members of Afghanistan’s security forces and two Afghan medical students. An American spokesman for the International Security Assistance Force, or ISAF, said three foreign troops were wounded.
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The good: Suicide bombers hit U.S.-Afghan air base, whacking 5

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