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 Systematic looting in Goma, particularly of houses and cars belonging to senior government officials, most of whom have fled - YaY!

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Systematic looting in Goma, particularly of houses and cars belonging to senior government officials, most of whom have fled - YaY! Vide
PostSubject: Systematic looting in Goma, particularly of houses and cars belonging to senior government officials, most of whom have fled - YaY!   Systematic looting in Goma, particularly of houses and cars belonging to senior government officials, most of whom have fled - YaY! Icon_minitimeThu Nov 29, 2012 1:32 am

Mende said there has been systematic looting in Goma since last week, particularly of houses and cars belonging to senior government officials, most of whom have fled. He said stocks of minerals have disappeared, dozens of lorries have been stolen and sold at knocked-down prices, and accused M23 of even pillaging a hospital.

Systematic looting in Goma, particularly of houses and cars belonging to senior government officials, most of whom have fled - YaY! 6ca848ff670a4d218fa6185
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Systematic looting in Goma, particularly of houses and cars belonging to senior government officials, most of whom have fled - YaY!

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