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 Excellent: $21m lost to fraud in OZschwitz government departments

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Excellent: $21m lost to fraud in OZschwitz government departments Vide
PostSubject: Excellent: $21m lost to fraud in OZschwitz government departments   Excellent: $21m lost to fraud in OZschwitz government departments Icon_minitimeThu Nov 29, 2012 12:55 am

A SURVEY of NSW government departments has found $21 million worth of fraud has been committed in the past three years and the O'Farrell government has been warned its cost cutting and outsourcing drive may exacerbate the risk.

Excellent: $21m lost to fraud in OZschwitz government departments Art353fraud300x0

The survey, by the NSW Auditor-General, Peter Achterstraat, comes after a request by the Treasurer, Mike Baird, in April for a performance audit of fraud control strategies within all NSW government agencies, which coincided with work already underway.

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Excellent: $21m lost to fraud in OZschwitz government departments

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