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 Argentina's Dirty War trial: Piloted "death flights" on which opponents of the regime were tossed alive from planes

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Argentina's Dirty War trial: Piloted "death flights" on which opponents of the regime were tossed alive from planes Vide
PostSubject: Argentina's Dirty War trial: Piloted "death flights" on which opponents of the regime were tossed alive from planes   Argentina's Dirty War trial: Piloted "death flights" on which opponents of the regime were tossed alive from planes Icon_minitimeThu Nov 29, 2012 12:48 am

A trial involving almost 800 cases of human rights abuses during Argentina's 1976-1983 military junta is under way, chronicling the use of torture and murder during the dictatorship.

Argentina's Dirty War trial: Piloted "death flights" on which opponents of the regime were tossed alive from planes Smwar201211291247183395

The trial in Buenos Aires, "was, is and will be the largest trial of crimes against humanity" in Argentina, said the rights lawyer Rodolfo Yanzon.

The trial, documenting 789 abuse cases, is the largest in the South American nation since 2003. It is being held in a packed Buenos Aires courtroom, presided over by Judge Daniel Obligado, as rights activists outside waved signs demanding justice be done.

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Argentina's Dirty War trial: Piloted "death flights" on which opponents of the regime were tossed alive from planes

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