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 Woman who won a Japanese civil judgment against a former US navy officer over rape, takes her fight to Milwaukee

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Woman who won a Japanese civil judgment against a former US navy officer over rape, takes her fight to Milwaukee Vide
PostSubject: Woman who won a Japanese civil judgment against a former US navy officer over rape, takes her fight to Milwaukee   Woman who won a Japanese civil judgment against a former US navy officer over rape, takes her fight to Milwaukee Icon_minitimeSun Nov 25, 2012 7:46 pm

AN AUSTRALIAN woman who won a Japanese civil judgment against a former US navy officer she accused of rape 10 years ago has taken her fight against her alleged attacker to Milwaukee.

Woman who won a Japanese civil judgment against a former US navy officer over rape, takes her fight to Milwaukee Art353fisher300x0

Whether a Wisconsin court will enforce the judgment is far from decided, as the man she blames for sexual assault denies a crime occurred and has hired a lawyer to fight the unusual action.

Catherine Jane Umehara, more widely known as Catherine Fisher, sued Bloke Deans earlier this year, asking that a Wisconsin court order him to pay about $US61,000 ($58,328) in damages that a Japanese court had ordered in 2004.

Her lawyer, Christopher Hanewicz, argues the state can enforce the Japanese order under the Uniform Foreign Money Judgments Recognition Act.

Mr Deans's lawyer, Alex Flynn, objects to the claim of jurisdiction and has sought to have the suit dismissed.

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Woman who won a Japanese civil judgment against a former US navy officer over rape, takes her fight to Milwaukee

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