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 Nice one: Uruguay Government Aide Defends Marijuana Plan

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Nice one: Uruguay Government Aide Defends Marijuana Plan Vide
PostSubject: Nice one: Uruguay Government Aide Defends Marijuana Plan   Nice one: Uruguay Government Aide Defends Marijuana Plan Icon_minitimeSat Nov 24, 2012 9:08 pm

Juan Vaz, an Uruguayan activist and government aide who has been jailed for growing marijuana in his home, says it's time to end a contradiction that lets people in his country smoke pot but bans its sale or cultivation.

This South American nation is one step closer to solving this by turning the government into the country's leading marijuana dealer. The proposal formally introduced to Congress last week would create a National Cannabis Institute with the power to license people and companies to produce marijuana for recreational, medical or industrial uses.

The draft law also would allow anyone to grow up to six marijuana plants and produce up to 480 grams (17 ounces) of marijuana in their own homes.

Possession of marijuana for personal use has never been criminalized in Uruguay and a 1974 law gives judges discretion to determine if the amount of marijuana found on a suspect is for legal personal use or for illegal dealing.

"The problem is that the (current law) allows the consumption and the possession but gives you no clue about where you can get it from. That's why we've been looking for a legal solution," said Vaz, 45, a member of Uruguay's Association of Cannabis Studies who has been counseling Uruguay's Drug Board on the proposed bill.
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Nice one: Uruguay Government Aide Defends Marijuana Plan

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