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 Poetic justice: Former Illinois congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. is suffering greatly - YaY!

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Poetic justice: Former Illinois congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. is suffering greatly - YaY! Vide
PostSubject: Poetic justice: Former Illinois congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. is suffering greatly - YaY!   Poetic justice: Former Illinois congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. is suffering greatly - YaY! Icon_minitimeSat Nov 24, 2012 7:43 pm

Two Chicago congressmen reiterated their support for Jesse Jackson Jr. on Saturday, saying the former Illinois congressman is suffering greatly and needs time to get healthy before he can address the public.

Poetic justice: Former Illinois congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. is suffering greatly - YaY! 70186035

The Chicago Democrat resigned from the U.S. House this week, citing his battle with bipolar disorder. He also acknowledged he is the subject of a federal probe and said he's cooperating with investigators. Federal investigators are reportedly looking into Jackson's possible misuse of campaign funds. He has not been charged with a crime.,0,4674526.story

Go kill yourself, worthless statist fuck!
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Poetic justice: Former Illinois congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. is suffering greatly - YaY!

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