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 OZschwitz backbencher slams retarded Abbott's language on 'illegals'

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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OZschwitz backbencher slams retarded Abbott's language on 'illegals' Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz backbencher slams retarded Abbott's language on 'illegals'   OZschwitz backbencher slams retarded Abbott's language on 'illegals' Icon_minitimeFri Nov 23, 2012 5:12 pm

THE Liberal backbencher Judi Moylan has urged the public to ''stand up'' to the ''rubbish rhetoric'' of her own leader over asylum seekers as well as the ''maladministration'' of the Labor Party.

OZschwitz backbencher slams retarded Abbott's language on 'illegals' Artjudy20moylan620x349

Announcing a policy to save $1.3 billion over four years by reducing Australia's annual humanitarian intake of 20,000 by more than 6000, Mr Abbott insisted it was ''perfectly legitimate'' to use the term ''illegals'' in reference to asylum seekers arriving by boat.

''I make no apologies for calling them what they are … they are arriving illegally,'' he said.

Asylum seekers offered bridging visas under Labor's policy should be forced to work for the proposed payment of $435 a fortnight (single rate) because they should ''not be able to enjoy life on Australian taxpayers' expense without giving something back to the community''.

Ms Moylan, who retires at the next election, railed at the language. ''We should not talk about queue jumpers, we should certainly not talk about illegals, we should not pretend these people are idle,'' she said. ''They want to work and be part of our society. We just seem to spin rubbish rhetoric and get people whipped up over it.

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OZschwitz backbencher slams retarded Abbott's language on 'illegals'

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