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 Good riddance: Jackson Resigns From U.S. Congress Citing Probe of His Conduct

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Good riddance: Jackson Resigns From U.S. Congress Citing Probe of His Conduct Vide
PostSubject: Good riddance: Jackson Resigns From U.S. Congress Citing Probe of His Conduct   Good riddance: Jackson Resigns From U.S. Congress Citing Probe of His Conduct Icon_minitimeWed Nov 21, 2012 5:20 pm

Illinois Representative Jesse Jackson Jr., citing a federal investigation of his conduct, submitted a letter of resignation to the U.S. House of Representatives.

In the letter today to House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio, Jackson said he’d made “my share of mistakes” without specifying what he’d done wrong. The resignation is effective today, according to the letter.

“I am aware of the ongoing federal investigation into my activities and I am doing my best to address the situation responsibly, cooperate with investigators, and accept responsibilities for my mistakes,” Jackson, a Democrat, wrote in the letter.
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Good riddance: Jackson Resigns From U.S. Congress Citing Probe of His Conduct

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