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 Turkey's Prime Minister Labels Israhell a 'Terrorist State'

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Turkey's Prime Minister Labels Israhell a 'Terrorist State'  Vide
PostSubject: Turkey's Prime Minister Labels Israhell a 'Terrorist State'    Turkey's Prime Minister Labels Israhell a 'Terrorist State'  Icon_minitimeWed Nov 21, 2012 5:24 am

Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused Israel of being a "terrorist state" on Monday and criticized world powers for supporting the weeklong bombardment of Gaza that has killed more some 115 people, signaling that the three-year-old rift between the countries is deepening.

Speaking in Istanbul shortly after returning from Cairo, where he held emergency talks on Gaza with Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, Mr. Erdogan railed against what he called Western powers' failure to take concerted action to stop bloodshed in Syria. But harsher words were aimed at one-time ally Israel.
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Turkey's Prime Minister Labels Israhell a 'Terrorist State'

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