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 Not bad: OZschwitz lawyer burned alive

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Not bad: OZschwitz lawyer burned alive Vide
PostSubject: Not bad: OZschwitz lawyer burned alive   Not bad: OZschwitz lawyer burned alive Icon_minitimeSat Nov 17, 2012 5:08 pm

The Facebook updates began innocently enough. In July last year, Wendy Anne Evans posted that she was ''over the bullshit being spun''. She then wondered, ''who you can really trust in the world,'' before asking her friends, ''what do you consider boundaries in a friendship?''

Not bad: OZschwitz lawyer burned alive Art353revealedp14300x0

But an increasingly bitter feud allegedly took a sinister turn when Ms Evans allegedly posted on her Facebook page: ''Note to self … take a deep breath, count to ten. Remember, murder is still against the law.''

Ms Evans, 39, is one of four people accused of murdering Wollongong lawyer Katie Foreman a year ago by allegedly burning her alive, in a crime that shocked the legal community in which the young solicitor was well known.

According to police, the Facebook updates were just the beginning.

Fairfax can reveal for the first time details of the case against Ms Evans and three others - one of whom, Bradley Max Rawlinson, was Ms Foreman's on-again, off-again lover for four years.

Mr Rawlinson and Ms Evans became an item mid-last year, and police allege the pair plotted Ms Foreman's murder in terrifying circumstances.

In the early hours of October 27, last year police allege Ms Evans and another co-accused crept up to Ms Foreman's Corrimal home and used a key to slip inside, where they poured petrol around her bed as she slept. When the fire was lit, it engulfed the main bedroom, leaving Ms Foreman with no escape route.

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